How critical for D2C Players to Elevate Customer Experience in the next normal?
2 min readJan 6, 2022

We believe those who make the right investments in building customer expeiance strategies now could build an unmatched advantage in serving customers.

The impact of COVID19 on Consumer behavior is immediate and sweeping, and the situation continues to change every week and with every region.

Our friends who have carefully crafted the best Omichannels strategy for Customer Experience had to throw their playbooks and improvise to keep pace.

Brands that will invest in the wrong capabilities may find themselves on the outside as your competitors can offer exemplary customer experiences by adopting emerging techniques to customer experience.

To win in the new normal Brands have to identify their customer behaviors, issues with the current experience they offer, What Other Industry Players are offering, and quickly make decisions.

I think there could be possible 3 ways to define exemplary customer experience in the next normal -

  1. Digital Excellence
  2. Contactless Engagements
  3. Emotional Insights on what your customers want.

The behavior induced by Pandemic is here to stay — Many brands have already started exploring ways to Guide their customers not only from “nudging” but establishing behaviors that involve more organic customer interactions that are likely to endure post-pandemic, in the next normal.



Blassh is a Technology Company on a Mission to make Online Commerce enriching and engaging leveraging Gaming & Its Behavioural Impact on Consumers